What do you think is possible?

Up until 1954, no person ever managed to run a mile under 4 minutes. This seemed beyond the human limit. Doctors and scientists believed man kind had reached a record that could not be broken. Until Roger Bannister came along. He claimed it was possible and trained as...

Day 3: The Transitional Routine

I am sitting here at home, trying to write, while my youngest son keeps jumping on me and seeking my attention. One reason why staying home all day with the family, while trying to be productive, is so difficult for me is because it feels like I am always rushing from...

What Einstein Got Wrong When Speaking About Insanity

Have you ever noticed that often people complain about their business, their relationship or their health but they simply don’t do anything about it? For example, friends or family might complain that: They don’t make enough money but they refuse to work harder, sell...

The mind blowing power of attention

In a famous experiment, Mike Merzenich taped the fingers of monkeys each day for 100 minutes to a sensor. At the same time they received headphones with music. He did this for 6 weeks. Some of the monkeys were taught to focus on the feelings resulting from the sensors...

The one step to experiencing unprecedented success!

“Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson If you could multiply your success in any area of your life, by taking one single step, would that sound like a fair bargain? Well, the good news is YOU CAN! And the single step is pretty straight...

Day 4: Start Moving Again!

Last year, in August, I caught pneumonia. I was in bed for a week and had to cancel my trip to Odessa, Ukraine, to visit my parents in law. I had a lot of time to think, and made a vow, to turn 2020 into my year of health: So from January, I worked out at least 5...

Why we are addicted to our phones, and what we can do about it!

How often does it happen that you allow yourself to be distracted by your phone? If you are like most people, the answer is all the time. Whether you are browsing through Facebook pages, chatting with friends or playing games on your phone, most people I know are...

5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness

"If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble." --Bob Hope When we think of side effects, the first thing that springs to mind are the side effects of drugs. But who'd have thought that kindness could have side effects, too? Well,...

How to stop feeling lonely and isolated in times of coronavirus

Experts and governments tell us that the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19,  is to stay at home. So right now, millions of people have basically locked themselves inside four walls and only go out when it is absolutely essential. Here in Israel, where I live,...

How To Trigger The Kind Of Motivation That Will Allow You To Excel In Any High Performance Career

Do you want to become a true high performer, the best at what you do? Then today’s post is for you as we will be exploring what drives world class high performers to achieve extraordinary results. We all know world class athletes, singers and actors enjoy lots of...

Introducing the habit of “Time Out’s”

A research in New Zealand tested the ability of self control amongst over one thousand young kids, and then followed them throughout their lives. The result was clear. The better their self control during their childhood years, the better they did in their 30’s in all...

The Three Steps To Effortlessly Building New Habits

 Successful people are simply those with successful habits. - Brian Tracy How many times did you start a new habit, only to realize a few weeks later that you were no longer following through with your good intentions? Maybe you planned to work out five times a week,...

How human are you?

As a huge animal lover, I used to get quite upset when people asked me not to treat my puppy like a human being. After all, to me he was like a true friend. However, over time, I started thinking what makes us human, and different from the world of animals, and to...

The best tools to eliminate anxiety

Whether it is a business meeting, a hot date, or a big sports competition, we all have moments in life that raise our pulse. For such occasions, I want to share two tools that have literally transformed my life. The first tool is called “foreburning.” “Foreburning” is...

High Pressure Situations; The Secret of Winners

“You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand.”- Robert Louis Stevenson Many people love the game of tennis, as it is a game that reflects some of the physical and mental challenges...

Day 8: Reconnect with old friends

I have always had mixed feelings about people who neglect their close friends, once they enter a relationship or get married...  ...until I got married myself (and especially ever since I have kids). Suddenly, I realize that as our life changes, and as we take on more...

Would you like to live longer?

In an amazing study, Danner, Snowdon and Friesen wanted to investigate the criteria’s that prolong our lives. They took the samples of 678 nuns, from the years between 1930-1940, who were on average 22 years old, and evaluated autobiographies they had written when...

How To Create A Powerful Vision For Your Business In 4 Simple Steps

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” — Napoleon Hill Do you know anyone who does not want an awesome life — both in terms of our professional success and also in terms of enjoying personal satisfaction? Of course, when you ask people,...

Day 11: Visualizing your future self

On a cold wet day, on May 6th, 1954, in Oxford, a young runner from a regular working class family, made the impossible possible. Roger Bannister broke the world record by running a mile in under 4 minutes (in 3:59.04  minutes). He wrote history. But that was just the...

Making Peace with Stress

5 days of pure relaxation. This has been our schedule here in Crete, which is one of the most beautiful places I know. Five days in which I turned off my phone, left the world behind me, and split my time between lying in the sun, and diving into the cool deep waters...

How to go from being an amateur to becoming an unstoppable professional

I just got back from Wimbledon, probably the most known and traditional tennis event in the world. I had lots of meetings, watched some world class tennis and enjoyed to reconnect with the entire tennis industry. However, one thing I love doing during Grand Slam...

The best tools to eliminate anxiety

Whether it is a business meeting, a hot date, or a big sports competition, we all have moments in life that raise our pulse. For such occasions, I want to share two tools that have literally transformed my life. The first tool is called “foreburning.” “Foreburning” is...

Do you want to live longer?

“If you're respectful by habit, constantly honoring the worthy, four things increase long life, beauty, happiness, strength.” - Hindu Prince Gautama Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C. Most people dream to have a long and healthy life. Of course, there...

Exploring and Designing Breakthrough Models in Higher Education

With the release of an updated EDUCAUSE on Campus toolkit, Exploring and Designing Breakthrough Models in Higher Education, Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) completes a trio of publications intended to guide those of you who are interested in making the move...

Day 10: Thinking Time

All my life, I have lived my dream job: I represented some of the world’s best tennis players. I ran professional tournaments. And Iwas fortunate to travel to most of the major tournaments and watch world class tennis from the best seats. However, with the birth of my...

The First Step To Finding Love

“Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.” ― Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue Finding true love is critical. This has been confirmed by multiple studies that have shown on that married people live a healthier life physically and...

How To Make Every Day Awesome!

“Make every day your masterpiece” – John Wooden OK, you planned out 2019 and spent a lot of time thinking about your goals, so what is next? It’s time to take consistent action. Like the famous basketball coach John Wooden famously said, we want to turn everyday into...

Changing the Paradigm on failure

We have all heard how important it is to learn from failures, and that making mistakes is actually important. However saying that we encourage people to do and learn from mistakes is of course not the same as creating a safe environment for people to do so. In a study...

The Science of Thinking Smarter

John Med­ina, Direc­tor of the Brain Cen­ter for Applied Learn­ing Research at Seattle Pacific University, and author of Brain Rules: 12 Prin­ci­ples for Sur­viv­ing and Thriv­ing at Work, Home, and School, wrote a great article for us on Brain Rules: sci­ence and...

Episode 2: How thinking works and what we can do to develop mental mastery (w/ Neil Sheffield)

Amongst other things, Neil shares: - Why do actors need to learn how to think? - How do you get into a performance state? - Why do people struggle to do simple practices? - One technique to master the art of thinking.
8 steps to building new habits

8 steps to building new habits

I want you to take a moment and think about your day. In all likelihood, you will probably notice that what you did today was very similar to what you did yesterday: You woke up at a similar time to a similar mood. You got out of your bed in a similar way, ate the...

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How To Make Every Day Awesome!

How To Make Every Day Awesome!

“Make every day your masterpiece” – John Wooden OK, you planned out 2019 and spent a lot of time thinking about your goals, so what is next? It’s time to take consistent action. Like the famous basketball coach John Wooden famously said, we want to turn everyday into...

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The #1 Trait For A Better Life

The #1 Trait For A Better Life

If you have been watching the Australian Open, you may have asked yourself: “How do young individuals like Novak Djokovic and Naomi Osaka push themselves rally after rally and match after match to perform at such an exceptional level?” What makes them so exceptional?...

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Do you want to become a real force in your industry and take your career and your life to the next level without ruining your health and your closest personal relationships?

Get your free PDF copy of the 26,000 words long Ultimate Guide to High Performance and learn what world-class athletes and top performers do to increase their focus, energy levels, and mental toughness in order to outperform their competition.

In this guide, you will learn how you can:


  • Become so productive that you will move towards your big goals faster than ever before, even if you feel extremely busy and overwhelmed right now.
  • Excel in those big pressure moments that define top performers but make everyone else sweat bullets.
  • Develop the mental toughness to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments Swiftly.

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