5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness

"If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble." --Bob Hope When we think of side effects, the first thing that springs to mind are the side effects of drugs. But who'd have thought that kindness could have side effects, too? Well,...

Mastering The Art Of Positive Self-talk!

Martin Seligman, a leader of positive psychology, wanted to find out what the key skill was that would determine successful insurance salespeople. This was a profession in which candidates had to expose themselves to a lot of rejection. Can you guess the outcome of...

The importance of hard work

“The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application.” —Miguel de Cervantes I want to share with you this story I found that really explains well how we often find our most valuable lessons when we had to...

New Year Resolutions

If you are like me, you are probably planning your New Year resolutions as you read this. You may also know that most people struggle to follow through with their goals. Therefore I would like to share the key steps that have helped me define and follow through with...

Do you want to live longer?

“If you're respectful by habit, constantly honoring the worthy, four things increase long life, beauty, happiness, strength.” - Hindu Prince Gautama Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C. Most people dream to have a long and healthy life. Of course, there...

Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today

"Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today" - James Dean I love this quote as it embraces one of the big dilemmas of life - whether we should live in the moment, plan for the future, or reflect on the past? The truth is that to live fully...

How Did You Fall Into That Ditch?

As humans, we always want something more or better. This is the engine of evolution and progress. Whether we want to find a partner, stay alone, be loved, or be rejected these are all wants or purposes. A purpose is a change we want to achieve, because we think it...

How To Recover From Stressful Situations In Just 60 Seconds

“Managing energy, not time, is the key to performance, health and happiness.” -The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz I love watching sports, and one thing that really fascinates me is observing the kind of routines world-class tennis players use...

Day 10: Thinking Time

All my life, I have lived my dream job: I represented some of the world’s best tennis players. I ran professional tournaments. And Iwas fortunate to travel to most of the major tournaments and watch world class tennis from the best seats. However, with the birth of my...

Day 3: The Transitional Routine

I am sitting here at home, trying to write, while my youngest son keeps jumping on me and seeking my attention. One reason why staying home all day with the family, while trying to be productive, is so difficult for me is because it feels like I am always rushing from...

Day 10: Thinking Time

All my life, I have lived my dream job: I represented some of the world’s best tennis players. I ran professional tournaments. And Iwas fortunate to travel to most of the major tournaments and watch world class tennis from the best seats. However, with the birth of my...

The Wealthy And The Rich

I know what’s your first question is. What’s the difference between being wealthy and being rich? Being wealthy and being rich synonymously involves with having a lot of money. But, the main difference between wealthy people and rich people is knowledge. Wealthy...

How Did You Fall Into That Ditch?

As humans, we always want something more or better. This is the engine of evolution and progress. Whether we want to find a partner, stay alone, be loved, or be rejected these are all wants or purposes. A purpose is a change we want to achieve, because we think it...

The One Practice That Creates Real Champions

When we think of big success, we picture huge celebrations luxurious lifestyle and lots of pleasurable moments. You want to really know what someone like Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal do after they win a big tournament? They might take a short break. But then they hit...

The First Step To Finding Love

“Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.” ― Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue Finding true love is critical. This has been confirmed by multiple studies that have shown on that married people live a healthier life physically and...

Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today

"Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today" - James Dean I love this quote as it embraces one of the big dilemmas of life - whether we should live in the moment, plan for the future, or reflect on the past? The truth is that to live fully...

The Three Steps To Effortlessly Building New Habits

 Successful people are simply those with successful habits. - Brian Tracy How many times did you start a new habit, only to realize a few weeks later that you were no longer following through with your good intentions? Maybe you planned to work out five times a week,...

I was told I wasn’t good enough: Why I created the High Performance Project

The reason I have created the High Performance Project Group starts with my story of when I was a small kid who had learning disabilities. These disabilities included motor motion disorder, delayed speech and poor vision, amongst other things. Nevertheless, I was this...

7 Lessons I learned from my favorite Podcast

Ever feel like you do not have time to learn from all the amazing thought leaders and experts available? You feel like you are overloaded with information? And you just don’t know what books to read or what courses to take? Well, then I have news for you! I am the...

Resolving Military Conflicts

I key theme of my blog is that breakthroughs are caused through a shift in our thinking. This applies to international conflicts, in which warring parties often engage in a zero-sum conflict, while a win-win solution seems obvious to an outsider. For example, in the...

How to become unstoppable without feeling overwhelmed and anxious

I hate failing! I fear rejection! And I hate embarrassing myself. These fears are probably one of the main reason that I occasionally procrastinate doing what I know I should be doing, both in business- and in my personal life. I settle for the status quo, my comfort...

The one step to experiencing unprecedented success!

“Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson If you could multiply your success in any area of your life, by taking one single step, would that sound like a fair bargain? Well, the good news is YOU CAN! And the single step is pretty straight...

Thinking in ‘’3-D Goals’’

Every ambitious person I know faces the following dilemma: “Should I choose big goals that excite me, even if they feel scary and unrealistic? Or do I settle for small, easily achievable, boring outcomes that will help me build some momentum?” In his book Feel Good...

How to wake up at 5 am feeling fresh and alive!

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” — Thomas Dekker For the last few days, I have been waking up between 4 am and 5 am. No alarm clock, no snooze button. I just open my eyes, get out of bed and feel super excited to start my day. The...

What do you think is possible?

Up until 1954, no person ever managed to run a mile under 4 minutes. This seemed beyond the human limit. Doctors and scientists believed man kind had reached a record that could not be broken. Until Roger Bannister came along. He claimed it was possible and trained as...

Day 10: Thinking Time

All my life, I have lived my dream job: I represented some of the world’s best tennis players. I ran professional tournaments. And Iwas fortunate to travel to most of the major tournaments and watch world class tennis from the best seats. However, with the birth of my...

Day 5: Prioritize Sleep

Today, I wanted to take a 20-minute nap. Instead, I woke up 2 hours later, feeling grumpy and tired. I felt lousy most of the day, started arguing with my wife about the most stupid things and kept losing my patience with my kids- all things I do not feel very proud...

Making Peace with Stress

5 days of pure relaxation. This has been our schedule here in Crete, which is one of the most beautiful places I know. Five days in which I turned off my phone, left the world behind me, and split my time between lying in the sun, and diving into the cool deep waters...

How to triple your level of motivation

Have you ever looked back and wished you had started with the pursuit of a goal, say 5 or 10 years ago? What if you had triple the motivation to do accomplish that task, do you think you would have started it?  If you are like me, your answer is probably, YES! So what...

How To Create A Powerful Vision For Your Business In 4 Simple Steps

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” — Napoleon Hill Do you know anyone who does not want an awesome life — both in terms of our professional success and also in terms of enjoying personal satisfaction? Of course, when you ask people,...

Do you want to become a real force in your industry and take your career and your life to the next level without ruining your health and your closest personal relationships?

Get your free PDF copy of the 26,000 words long Ultimate Guide to High Performance and learn what world-class athletes and top performers do to increase their focus, energy levels, and mental toughness in order to outperform their competition.

In this guide, you will learn how you can:


  • Become so productive that you will move towards your big goals faster than ever before, even if you feel extremely busy and overwhelmed right now.
  • Excel in those big pressure moments that define top performers but make everyone else sweat bullets.
  • Develop the mental toughness to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments Swiftly.

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