Day 9: Do one act of kindness
I recently watched a Ted Talk with professor Stephen Post who reveals that doing acts of kindness help us live longer, healthier and happier. According to him, just the mere thought of doing something kind to others makes us feel good as it releases hormones like...
Day 8: Reconnect with old friends
I have always had mixed feelings about people who neglect their close friends, once they enter a relationship or get married… …until I got married myself (and especially ever since I have kids). Suddenly, I realize that as our life changes, and as we take...
Day 7: Strengthen your most important relationships
It’s remarkable how creative people get when locked up in their homes! During the last few days, I have received so many hilarious clips on my phone that made me almost die from laughter. From all of them, I hate to admit it, but this is my favorite. Don’t get me...
Day 6: Enjoy Your Food (without over-eating)
When I was 11, I watched a movie with my brother where people were eating insects. I screamed: “Wow, that is so disgusting, how can they do that?” Then my brother told me something that changed the way I saw food: He responded: “We humans eat cows,...